Another installment from The Yappie Handbook (1984).
Another installment from The Yappie Handbook (1984).
This passage from the 1984 Yappie Handbook reads more like "Sex Education for Trainables" than a dating guide. We've all heard the old saw about how "knowledge is power," but it's taken to a delirious extreme here. In the world of the Yappie, even that most fundamental of human interactions, love, is experienced wholly through the lens of enhancing one's appreciation of anime. And like every epic story, it comes with a moral at the end.
More selections from The Anime magazine's "Yappie Handbook."
This booklet, published along with the August 1984 issue of The Anime magazine, is a fascinating reminder that we didn't always have a pithy term to describe Japan's legions of anime-obsessed young adults. Although the now commonplace "otaku" made its official debut the year before in a column by Akio Nakamori, it wouldn't become widely used until the end of the decade, and then mainly as an epithet. In the meantime, The Anime produced this pamphlet in an attempt to hang a name on a growing subculture that undoubtedly included a large segment of its readership. The word they chose was "Yappie," a contraction of "Young Anime People."
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