"Why can't Japan build world-class IT company like Google, Amazon, or Apple?"
The wisdom of 2ch:
The main reason why is because we're best at developing business models that already exist, because we have organizational power and a [high] average level of knowledge. But we don't create new genres. Because those same organizations crush individuals who stick out.
Because we put all our effort into manufacturing.
Google's domination of the market is absurd. Google Maps, Google Books, their standlone browser and OS and input system... All they do is absorb knowledge from other countries.
Because the top executives of Japanese IT companies are all in their fifties and sixties, so we don't stand a chance.
They say it's because Japanese lack English skills, but I think Japan's IT leaders seem to speak English pretty well...
What, you can't be satisfied just with being #1 in car exports?
Because any Japanese tech worth his salt goes to the USA.
I guess it was a mistake to prosecute Horiemon.
It's hard to publish hacker related books in Japanese, so we aren't creating new talent.
This isn't only related to the IT world, but Japan doesn't have a culture that respects or invests in entrepreneurs.
Oh, just wait ten years.
And for an answer that could only come from 2ch, drum roll, please...
Our country has a BBS system that is the envy of the world!
"Google's domination of the market is absurd. Google Maps, Google Books, their standlone browser and OS and input system... All they do is absorb knowledge from other countries."
Hahahahaha projecting much, Japan?
Posted by: jpmeyer | January 15, 2010 at 11:09 PM
I hear that before, but not only from Japan, from China and India also. Each country has its reason, and I started to think that is the social structure what the problem is. Is this not about castes and medieval thinking?
I am from Spain and we have the same problem. I live in USA because there is not R&D in Spain and I found something similar when I was in Japan: R&D is only to improve or maximize current technologies.
Oh well Unemployment in Spain is 20% and I do not think that Japanese Man will want a woman telling them what to do
Posted by: caitlin | February 05, 2010 at 03:21 AM