Fan-creator Otonari Kobo ("Neighbor Studios") produced three, roughly ten second long animated clips of three Osamu Tezuka characters that have never been seen in motion before: the furry-riffic Rikki from Zero Man (1960), Princess Luna from Angel no Oka (1961), and Pick from Majin Garon (1962). Why? Just because he could. The series is entitled "I Tried Playing With Tezuka Characters," and Japanese fans are raving over the quality. It's a little bit of anime crack custom made by and for old-school otaku.
Dang! Gotta say I'm impressed. I liked the Rikki one the best: It had a really nice fluidity that I always imagine Tezuka's work having...
Posted by: SurfPenguin | January 17, 2009 at 12:26 AM
Fantastic!! Tezuka would be proud! Carry on!!
Posted by: Lenord Robinson | January 25, 2009 at 01:35 AM